Topics: Families and children
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1845 - North West - view
There are four “half-castes” in the district, two are adult females and are married to white men, and two children who are living after the manner of the Aborigines
1845 - North Coastal - view
to correspondence from Howard, Maria and Bowen have a son and two daughters all
baptised at St Mary’s Church Sydney.
1846 - North Coastal - view
There are
many reported cases of white men living with Aboriginal women and having
1846 - North West - view
“I have found a family of half-castes, the children of John Lewis or Ferdinand
1846 - North Coastal - view
The mother is Biddy, the sister of the
blackfellow Bowen, of Pitt Water and the daughter of an aboriginal woman by an
English seaman. There are seven children by this connexion, from nineteen to
two years of age, living in their father’s house after the manner of the
settlers of the Creek … The two lads are employed in the boat with their
father, four of the younger children are yet at home, and the eldest girl is
living with a man of the name of Rose, a fisherman at Marramarra Creek.
1847 - North West - view
an extensive community
1847 - North West - view
Clark(e) family
1847 - North West - view
Sackville family
1848 - North Coastal - view
settlement severely impacts on environment. NSW Surveyor-General Major Mitchell
writes “the omission of the annual periodical burning by natives, of grass and
young saplings, has already produced in the open forest lands nearest Sydney,
thick forests of young trees, where formerly a man might gallop without
impediment and see miles before him”.
1849 - South Coastal - view
two children
1852 - South Coastal - view
1852 - South Coastal - view
Koori children
1855 - South Coastal - view
1855 - South Coastal - view
1855 - North West - view
Hawkesbury Darkinung family
1855 - South West - view
a remarkable network of family relationships