Topics: Families and children

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1825 - North West - view

Awabakal women also turn to Threlkeld at times of need. One young woman runs to Threlkeld and asks if he will go and see her bury Dismal’s deceased sister

1825 - North West - view

Violence towards Aboriginal women is also increasing

1825 - North West - view

settlers abducting Aboriginal wives or female children

1826 - North Coastal - view

Aboriginal women are often abducted and sometimes raped, while their men retaliate to defend the women.

1827 - South West - view

Cox family

1828 - North West - view

19 men, 11 women and nine children

1829 - North West - view

a native and his gin and two boys

1830 - West - view

women and children

1830 - North Coastal - view

Birth of Theda Bungaree, father: Bowen Toura Bungaree, Mother: Maria.

1831 - South Coastal - view

Madden families

1831 - Central - view

Madden family

1831 - North Coastal - view

Anonymous letter to the Sydney Gazette “…People should be employed to take a circuit about ten or fifteen miles around the establishment erected for the Aborigines; to conciliate themselves with the natives, particularly to find out which of those have children and to induce them to come to the establishment to convene with the missionary.”

1831 - Central - view

Madden family

1832 - West - view

children were removed by the Benevolent society

1832 - North West - view

Darug child

1832 - North Coastal - view

Birth recorded of Mark Bungaree, son of Naney or Maria.

1833 - North Coastal - view

Mrs Felton Mathew, on a visit to Marramarra Creek with her surveyor husband on 3 rd August writes “then appeared a miserable hut of rough logs covered with bark, from whence issued a number of dogs barking … and then the inhabitants; two old men and a woman with child in her arms … These dreary solitudes might serve for the abode of a misanthrope so utterly are they secluded from all approach and so entirely destitute of all comfort”

1833 - North West - view

a “traditional Aboriginal woman

1835 - 1861 - North Coastal - view

The Oliver family on a farm in Elvina Bay (then Lovett Bay) recall “blackfellows who stole (or as they called it ‘bandicooted’) a whole paddock of potatoes”. Mrs Oliver would place an old musket at the open door to warn the Koori people away.

1835 - West - view
