Topics: Families and children: North West

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Auntie Christine Lewis and Muffy Hedges discuss their Lewis and Shuttle ancestors

1804 - view

a “King”

1805 - view

The decreasing number of women and girls in these camps are frequently employed as domestic servants by white townspeople

1808 - view

Governor Bligh receives instructions to educate and settle surviving Aboriginal girls

1814 - view

Hawkesbury Darkinjung children are among the founding students at the Institution. At least three are children of ‘Branch natives’

1817 - view

Walter Lawry meets the chief of “a tribe of blacks”, but the woman take their children and run off. Lawry writes: “I inquired why the childen were carried off; they replied that many of them had been taken away by men in black clothes, and put to school at Parramatta

1818 - view

An “old woman, daubed with pipe clay, performs the part of leader

1821 - view

These men often interfere with Koori women and take punitive action against men when they object

1824 - view

imbalance of males to females led to a demand for Gooris on its property

1824 - view

family history

1825 - view

Awabakal women also turn to Threlkeld at times of need. One young woman runs to Threlkeld and asks if he will go and see her bury Dismal’s deceased sister

1825 - view

Violence towards Aboriginal women is also increasing

1825 - view

settlers abducting Aboriginal wives or female children

1828 - view

19 men, 11 women and nine children

1829 - view

a native and his gin and two boys

1832 - view

Darug child

1833 - view

a “traditional Aboriginal woman

1836 - view

He has a wife, but no children

1836 - view

wife and two sons. One of the boys dies

1836 - view

He has one wife but no children