Topics: Government policy
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1893 - South Coastal - view
granted by Government
1893 - South Coastal - view
Board rejects her claim
1894 - North West - view
Parliamentarians responded by confirming Margaret’s life tenure of her holding at Pelican Flat
1894 - South Coastal - view
United Aborigines Mission
1895 - South Coastal - view
New South Wales Aborigines Protection Board
1896 - North West - view
Sackville community applies to the APB for iron to roof a church
1897 - North West - view
Government Reserve on the left bank of the Hawkesbury River
1898 - North West - view
Aborigines Protection Board railway passes
1900s - North West - view
Aborigines Protection Board (APB)
1900 - North West - view
1900 - North West - view
The law prohibits publicans serving Aborigines
1900 - Central - view
Aborigines Protection Board concludes that part-descent Aboriginal people can no longer be thought to be disappearing
1902 - North West - view
1903 - North West - view
Aborigines from “black camps” in the Manning district are relocated to the government reserve at Purfleet