Topics: Government policy
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1915 - North West - view
1916 - South West - view
Aboriginal Reserve no. 17023
1918 - North West - view
Aborigines Protection Board
1918 - South West - view
APB resolves most emphatically that because they continue to farm the land the families should be allowed to remain in possession
1918 - North West - view
1918 - North West - view
1918 - North West - view
income is held in trust by the Board
1921 - North West - view
PASS to go to Sydney to look for her sick husband. Sometimes the APB does not grant such requests
1922 - North West - view
APB removes Aborigines from the Namoi Aboriginal camp
1923 - North West - view
1923 - North West - view
APB places 170 girls in work situations and holds 2,775 pounds in trust
1923 - North West - view
Board decides to dispose of the Singleton Home on the ground that the premises are unsuitable
1923 - North West - view
amendment to the Aborigines Protection Act (1911) to take Aboriginal children removed from their families
1924 - West - view
Aboriginal Reserve no. 17023 (St Joseph’s Farm) in the Burragorang Valley is revoked
1924 - North West - view
revocation of Aboriginal reserves under the Aborigines Protection Act
1924 - North West - view