Topics: Government policy
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1950 - North West - view
The assimilation policy
1950 - North West - view
The assimilation policy denies Aboriginal people their basic rights. It stops them from raising their own children , freedom of movement, access to education, award wages, marrying without permission, eating in restaurants, entering a pub, swimming in a public pool or the right to vote
1950 - South Coastal - view
NSW Housing Commission
1952 - Central - view
NSW Housing Commission invites families to live in new homes, or for many, former Army hostels
1952 - South Coastal - view
Randwick municipal council
1953 - North Coastal - view
The Minister for Territories Paul Hasluck re-launches a new policy for Indigenous people. He claims that “Assimilation does not mean the suppression of Aboriginal culture but rather that, for generation after generation, cultural adjustment will take place. The native people will grow into the society in which by force of history, they are bound to live”. Assimilation however remains in part a policy of coercion.
1954 - 1964 - North Coastal - view
A further wave of revocation relating to the Government policy of assimilation and the removal of Aboriginal people from traditional reserves to new reserves set aside in other places or outside towns. Probably all of the Narrabeen community are trucked to western Sydney. After this time, no official or unofficial reserves remain in Guringai country.
1954 - North West - view
state housing commission
1959 - North Coastal - view
Pensions and maternity allowances are now paid directly to Indigenous people instead of to the local Aboriginal Protector, reserve manager or police officer.
1961 - North Coastal - view
Pearl Gibbs works with FCAATSI to remove discrimination against Indigenous patients in hospitals.
1961 - North West - view
Native Welfare Conference
1961 - North West - view
policy of Assimilation
1961 - North West - view
House of Representatives
1962 - North West - view
Federal government grants Aboriginal people the optional right to vote