Topics: Government policy
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1905 - South West - view
Aborigines Protection Board
1906 - South West - view
Electoral rolls
1908 - North West - view
certificates of exemption
1909 - North Coastal - view
Aborigines Protection Act is passed in NSW. The Board for the Protection of
Aborigines has the power to “exercise a general supervision and care over all
Aborigines and over the interests and welfare of Aborigines … and to protect
them against injustice, imposition and fraud”. The Protection Act gives the
Board great powers to control the private lives of Aborigines. For example the
Board may order any Aboriginal into or out of any Reserve at its own
discretion. The powers to remove children are codified and strengthened, and
the Board becomes an instrument of persecution of Guringai, and other NSW
Koories, for the next 60 years.
1909 - North West - view
children are excluded from the public school
1909 - North West - view
Aborigines Protection Act NSW
1909 - North West - view
Aborigines Protection Board (APB)
1909 - North West - view
APB Annual Report lists combined populations of Windsor, Blacktown Rd and Sackville Reach as only 83
1910 - North West - view
APB places an embargo on the residence of single men and women on the camps
1911 - North West - view
1913 - 1927 - North West - view
Aboriginal reserve land in NSW falls from 26,000 acres to only 13,000 acres
1914 - North West - view
NSW government continues to remove Aboriginal children from their families
1915 - 1939 - North West - view
APB is empowered to remove and apprentice Aboriginal children without a court hearing. Under the Act
1915 - North West - view