Topics: Government policy

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1838 - North West - view

Rev Lancelot Edward Threlkeld gives testimony in evidence to a Legislative Council Enquiry on the Aborigines

1839 - North West - view

Aboriginal Protection Policies

1839 - West - view

Squatters are liable to lose their license for 'malicious injury or offence committed upon or against any Aboriginal native'

1840 - South West - view

Petition to the Aboriginal Protection Board

1842 - North West - view

Attorney General

1842 - North Coastal - view

Last blanket distribution in Brisbane Waters and Gosford, 27 men received blankets.

1845 - South Coastal - view

parliamentary enquiry

1845 - South Coastal - view


1845 - Central - view

parliamentary committee

1845 - West - view

Sydney Aboriginal Population is in serious decline. A parliamentary enquiry is appointed to investigate this

1846 - North West - view

parliamentary enquiry on Aborigines

1847 - North West - view

Following a parliamentary enquiry, it is recommended that mounted military police be stationed at North Richmond (on the northern side of the Hawkesbury River)

1848 - South West - view

the bounty of' the Government

1850 - North West - view

"Memory", "Letter to the Editor

1850 - South West - view

“The ABORIGINES.-His Excellency the Governor has approved of a grant of ten pounds for the purchase of a boat

1850 - South West - view

“The ABORIGINES.-His Excellency the Governor has approved of a grant of ten pounds for the purchase of a boat and tackle

1850 - South West - view

Mayor and Messrs. Nichols and Egan

1851 - South West - view

1851 Clarke Census for the Camden, Picton and Berrima districts

1856 - North West - view

The Colonial Secretary’s Office authorises a local official to “seize the Bark and dispose of the same by public Auction”

1856 - Central - view

he fights against racism directed at Aboriginal