Topics: Government policy
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1815 - North Coastal - view
Macquarie sets up the Native Institution at Parramatta, It is a dormitory
school where Aboriginal children can be educated in English ways without the
influence of their families and clans. At first some parents leave their
children at the school voluntarily, later they realise that they will not be
allowed to leave.
1816 - South West - view
46th Regiment
1816 - North Coastal - view
people attack farms around Sydney. Macquarie sends Captain Wallis with three
detachments of soldiers to arrest offenders. They attack a camp at night and 14
Aboriginal people are killed. Macquarie sets out regulations controlling
Aboriginal people. No one is to appear within a mile of any settlement and no
more than six are to ‘lurk’ or ‘loiter’ near farms. Passports or certificates
are issued to Aboriginals “who conduct themselves in a suitable manner”.
1816 - North Coastal - view
issues two further proclamations outlawing the ten “most violent and atrocious
natives”. He orders that those who have not already been killed should be
invited to a “General Friendly Meeting” and Blanket Distribution at Parramatta
on 28 December.
1816 - South Coastal - view
the government requisitions it
1821 - West - view
broken down Aboriginal hostility with a combination of military attacks and humane treatment and compensated dispossessed Aborigines with land grants
1824 - North West - view
Supreme Court of NSW
1824 - North Coastal - view
deputation of an embassy to negotiate with the Aboriginal tribes a treaty of
peace would probably be impracticable … the difficulty of procuring a peaceful
interview with the numerous chiefs could not be surmounted.
1825 - North West - view
A ‘punitive party’ of soldiers despatched
1825 - West - view
10,000 acres of land [about 7000 ha.] situated in the said colony be reserved for the use of the Aborigines
1826 - South West - view
engaged as Black Tracker by local Police
1828 - North West - view
Hunter census