Topics: Environment

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1821 - South West - view

fertile soil produced by flooding

1824 - South Coastal - view


1824 - North West - view

Timbercutters advance

1825 - North West - view

inexhaustible body of sea shells, offer a valuable manure for generations to come

1826 - North West - view

open elevated Forest Country

1826 - North Coastal - view

Many incidents of Aboriginal people defending their land and attacking the English farms north of Broken Bay. The activities of bushrangers, escaped convicts, cedar getters, illicit grog suppliers and smugglers create a lawless frontier in the northern regions. The first Magistrate Willoughby Bean is appointed in a vain attempt to restore order.

1826 - North Coastal - view

Surviving Koories are estimated to be only 65 on the Central Coast. Diseases such as smallpox, syphilis and influenza have killed many and others have been killed by settlers.

1826 - North West - view

sandstone mountains with deep gorges and razor-back ridges that end suddenly in towering bluffs

1826 - North Coastal - view

Attacks on settlers continue, and probably are supplemented from warriors coming from further north. A punitive expedition is mounted by the British against Koories near Wyong. Twenty Koories are captured and later eight are imprisoned on Cockatoo Island in Sydney Harbour. Governor Bourke requests that a school teacher “should be prepared to teach elements of Christianity to the Aborigines held there”.

1826 - North West - view

Lake Paterson is one important wetland. It is increasingly drained for agriculture

1826 - North Coastal - view

Expansion of farms leads to cutting Koories off from access to food from the sea and also from hunting and gathering.

1827 - West - view

fine timbered country

1827 - North West - view

rich alluvial land

1827 - Central - view

King George Sound

1827 - Central - view

South West Western Australia

1828 - North Coastal - view

William Cape, one of Wyong’s first farmers, reports that 200 Aboriginal people arrived on what he regarded as his land and took his potato crop. The visiting Darginjung tribe from Wollombi claimed that they needed extra food. Some time later one of Cape’s stockmen is speared. The district constable and 15 armed men pursue the Aboriginal men. Two prisoners are taken. Magistrate Bean records that Cape fired his gun at the Koories and had also alienated his sons and neighbours.

1828 - North West - view

mangrove mudflats

1828 - Central - view


1828 - Central - view

Alfred and Pitt Streets

1829 - West - view

carved flat rock used to sharpen iron tomahawks