Topics: Sites: West
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1952 - view
the Gully
1952 - view
1952 - view
A monument to the “Lost Tribes of the Hawkesbury”
1952 - view
Sackville Reserve
1952 - view
Public Recreation Reserve off Holes Drive, Sackville
1955 - view
Rooty Hill
1955 - view
St Mary’s
1957 - view
Chester Hill North Primary school
1957 - view
the Gully
1958 - view
Burragorang Valley
1959 - view
Burragorang Valley
1960 - view
Aborigines Welfare Board
1960 - view
Carrabah Institution
1960 - view
Riverwood Housing Settlement
1964 - view
1968 - view
Freemans Reach camp
1968 - view
school in Leura and Katoomba
1969 - view
Chester Hill
1970 - view
Marella Home
1970 - view
Eastern Creek, Rooty Hill