Yarrangadi Boney and Tallumberi Dick muster cattle
North West - 1830

Others work hard on the cattle. This includes Yarrangadi Boney and Tallumberi Dick who muster cattle for James Milson on “Byora” station (now Milson’s Arm): “The dawn was breaking and everybody was astir. The blackboys, Yarrangadi Boney and Tallumberi Dick, had brought up the horses and were engaged in saddling them. The three Milsons…came into the yard where the men were awaiting orders. David Milson, who was in charge issued them…’Now Reagan…you with Mr John and the boys can go up to Narrone Creek, follow the ridge then start and bring them down…Later in the morning…the stockmen worked the mob down the steep sides of the gulliles…and drafted [them] into smaller yards for branding…As the day wore on and the cattle were drafted and counted it became evident that there was a serious shortage. David…set out towards ‘Big Yengo’ and John with one of the blacks rode up the Wattagan to ascertain what had become of the rest”. (WVPA, p40-41).